We are ship trader Sale and purchase including chartering.We have proven our successful activity by numerous sales for over decade. We have previously sold various vessels like for instance oil tanker for storage,smaller tankers for trading as well for bunkering ,ice classed roro vessel for trading, accommadaion barge and various other units.
We can assist and guide with all related issues in connection with sales or purchase of a comercial vessel. We are able to recomend a comany that
Will do Technical management or operation management.
Also we can recommend, well known and reputable surveying company to inspect the vessel and provide an inspection reports vessel and before purhase .All data and reports are delivered promptly at a highly competivite market cost. You will receive an unrivalled quantity global
Condition inspection sevices, delivering clear and interpretable results in
Almost every port in the world. These reports are vital in realizing the true value of your asset.
If you do not have in house technical know –how you need to realise with an external technical manager and with the inspector and if decided to purchase the ship upon recommendation of the inspector and this technical manager –you can ask the techical manager to operate the vissel
(crew , bunkers , provisions, paying port costs and other expenses Technical mmanager will give you a daily open ( operating expense ) of estimated costs.
We will negotiate all of the details of deal usually base don a standard contract ,We will not only negotiate the Price of the vesselon behalf of teir principals but also all the logistical details for the transfer of the title and the vessel itself to the buyers (new owners). Including the banking arrangements.
Our role involve dealing with both the seller and the buyer to ensure that both are awarded a fair Price for their part of the transaction and tan acting in the negoctiation . Once a Price and will draw up the contract and all other legal matters relating to the vessel sales and purchase.
Contact us for more informations about vessels on sales or any other assistance. We can help you to find the right vessels .We are avaible 24 hours, 7days a week
Chiney Mariteam SL
C/ Albaricoque, 7 3ºB
C.P. 30120 El Palmar Murcia Spain
Telephone 0034 968 134064
WhatsApp 0034 641 733611
WhatsApp 0034 612 275183
E-mail info@chineymariteam.com